Last week, Donald John Trump won the electoral college vote and is poised to become the 45th president of the United States. Global markets tumbled and the Mexican peso fell to a historic level amid widespread concerns of what a Trump presidency will mean for Latin America and the rest of the world. A recent survey by The Latin American Lawyer showed that lawyers in the region expected Latin America to be worse off with a Trump win. There will be a follow up to this survey in the first quarter of 2017.
This week, Dentons inched closer to world domination when it announced its possible combination with Muñoz, a newly formed Central American law firm with offices in Costa Rica, Panama and Nicaragua. If the merger goes ahead, Dentons will be the first global law firm with a presence in Central America.
Law firms across the region remain in expansion mode, with Estudio Rodrigo snapping up a team of energy lawyers from Muñiz Ramirez in Peru, and Garrigues adding two new partners in Mexico.
In Chile, Carey and Baker & McKenzie led a joint venture for residential property investment. Meanwhile, in Colombia, the Banco de Bogota issued a $500 million offering and instructed Davis Polk.
This newsletter comes to you from Mexico, where The Latin American Lawyer is hosting a breakfast event about corporate governance. This session is now sold out!
The Latin American Lawyercelebrated a year recently and released a special and limited edition issue covering the most relevant topics discussed during these 12 months. The publication is available here.
There is still time to respond to a confidential survey on the latest trends in compliance throughout Latin America. Please click here.
Ignacio Abella Editor – The Latin American Lawyer Iberian Lawyer London Twitter: @LatAmEditor
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