Patricia Silberman and Manuel Alcalde

Carey counsels Intercorp on acquisition of Supermercados Erbi

Carey has counselled Intercorp Retail on the acquisition of Supermercados Erbi. This transaction, completed in October 2024, implies Intercorp’s entry into the Chilean market.

Intercorp Retail is a subsidiary of Intercorp Peru, one of Peru’s leading economic groups, with activities in the financial services, retail, real estate and education sectors, and with a presence in more than 10 countries across the continent.

Javier Calmell del Solar and Javier Echecopar Sabogal acted as in-house counsel to Intercorp.

Carey’s team was led by partners Patricia Silberman (pictured left) and Manuel Alcalde (pictured right), with support from associates Antonio Dourthe, Nicolás Marín and Fernanda Gabor.

L Giselle Estrada