Carey represents Sencorp on debt restructuring
Carey has represented the Senerman family and Sencorp Group in the renegotiation and restructuring of Sencorp’s debt with Banco Consorcio for approx. USD$20 million (UF 521,000). Bofill Mir acted as advisor to Banco Consorcio.
This transaction took place on 14 March, and included the negotiation and preparation of a term sheet, a framework restructuring agreement, an acknowledgement of debt and a series of guarantees (pledges, sureties and joint and several co-debts) granted by other group companies, among other documents.
The renegotiation and restructuring of the debt involved extensive negotiations and multiple exchanges of documents over months, as well as the need to devise alternatives that would bring the parties to a mutually acceptable agreement in the context of Sencorp’s and Sendero’s judicial reorganisation agreements.
Alejandra Pinto acted as in-house counsel to Banco Consorcio; while Paola Arangua provided in-house advice to Sencorp.
Bofill Mir’s team comprised partner Rodrigo Saffirio, and associates Antonia Ballacey and Sebastián Fernández.
Carey’s team was led by partners Ricardo Reveco (pictured left) and Jorge Ugarte (pictured right), with support from associates Gustavo Marambio, Óscar Lizana, Francisco Torm, Natalia Reinicke and Matías Granic.