Cristina de Freitas Bueno

Cescon Barrieu advises on the acquisition of Maple Bear Santos

Cescon Barrieu assisted the transaction that involved the purchase and sale of assets by means of which Altstut & Talex becomes the sole owner of Maple Bear Santos operation.

Maple Bear Santos unit is part of a school franchise of a Canadian network – Maple Bear Canadian School, world leader in bilingual education, focused on developing global skills in its students. Currently, the Canadian network has more than 170 units spread all over the country.

Cescon Barrieu assisted Lumen Educação (seller) and relied on partner Cristina de Freitas Bueno (pictured); associates Nathalia Rabello and Thais Nascimento and intern Maria Melo.

Garini, Bellini, Cheche, Dutra, Lopes da Cruz (GBCDLC) acted as legal counsel to the buyer (Altstut & Talex MB Educação) in the negotiations.
