Vitor Arantes and Ingrid Hessling

Cescon Barrieu and Veirano advise on the issuance of Sparta Infra

Cescon Barrieu and Veirano advised on the public offering of quotas of the 5th issuance of Sparta Infra – Fundo de Investimento em Cotas de Fundos Incentivados de Investimento em Infraestrutura Renda Fixa Crédito Privado, in accordance with CVM 160, in the amount of BRL 625,000,032.94.

Cescon Barrieu Advogados advised Sparta Infra and relied on partner Vitor Arantes (pictured left), associates Marcela Rivellino and Vitor Emmanuel.

Veirano Advogados advised XP Investimentos Corretora de Câmbio, Títulos e Valores Mobiliários and relied on partner Ingrid Hessling (pictured right) and lawyers Gabriella Souza and Nathalia Patrizzi.
