GMPR Advogados announces 12 new partners
GMPR Advogados announced the promotion of 12 attorneys to partnership. Recognized for excellence in their respective areas, the new partners solidify the quality of the services offered by the firm and strengthen its position in the market. They are: Weverton Ayres Fernandes da Silva, Karla Oliveira, Wilmar Fernandes, Ana Paula Dias Ribeiro, Igor Gomes dos Santos, Bruna Gonçalves, Thiago Cabaline, Giovanna de Brito Sant’Anna, Gustavo da Costa Batista, Geanny da Silva Mendonça, Arthur Vanni Guimarães Rocha e Ana Luiza Meggetto de Campos (pictured from left to right).
* Ana Luiza Meggetto de Campos: An attorney specializing in Civil Liability and Contracts and Business Manager at GMPR Law Firm. Ana Luiza is responsible for managing the portfolio of strategic clients and generating new opportunities.
* Ana Paula Dias Ribeiro: A specialist in civil liability and strategic lawsuits with a postgraduate degree in Civil Law and Civil Procedural Law from the Goiás Institute of Law.
* Arthur Vanni Guimarães Rocha: A member of the Corporate Law Commission of the OAB/GO with solid experience in Corporate and Commercial Law, as well as expertise in corporate litigation and a postgraduate degree in Civil and Civil Procedure from Proordem Goiás.
* Bruna Gonçalves: Coordinator of the firm’s Agroenvironmental team, Bruna holds postgraduate degrees in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, Environmental Law, and Civil Procedural Law. She is also a member of the Environmental Law Commission of the OAB/GO.
* Geanny da Silva Mendonça: Coordinator of Legal Auditing at GMPR and specialist in legal management, with postgraduate degrees in Civil Law, Civil Procedural Law, and Legal Auditing.
* Giovanna de Brito Sant’Anna: Coordinator of the firm’s tax team and the Jurisprudential Tax Observatory Nucleus of the Goiás Academy of Tax Studies. Giovanna is a master’s degree candidate at the Brazilian Institute of Education, Development, and Research (IDP) and holds a postgraduate degree in Tax Law from the Brazilian Institute of Tax Studies (IBET/GO). She is a member of the Tax Law Commission of the OAB/GO, as well as the Institute of Advanced Studies in Law (IEAD).
* Gustavo da Costa Batista: An attorney with experience in the firm’s Civil and Corporate areas, Gustavo is pursuing a postgraduate degree in Corporate Law and holds an MBA in Business Management and Financial Management from FGV Management.
* Igor Gomes dos Santos: An attorney with a postgraduate degree in Civil Law, Civil Procedure, and Consumer Law, Igor has solid experience in Insurance Law.
* Karla Oliveira: Coordinator of the GMPR’s Enforcement Nucleus, Karla specializes in Administrative Law and Public Servant Law. She holds a postgraduate degree in Civil Procedural Law from Candido Mendes University, is pursuing a postgraduate degree in Public Policies from the Federal University of Goiás (UFG-GO), and is a member of the Administrative Law Commission of the OAB/GO.
* Thiago Cabaline: Coordinator of the GMPR’s Entertainment Law team, Thiago is pursuing a postgraduate degree in Contracts, Contract Enforcement, and Liability. He is a member of the Entertainment Law Commission of the OAB/GO and the Corporate Law Commission of the OAB/GO.
* Wilmar Fernandes: A member of the ANVISA Users Council specializing in Administrative and Regulatory Law, Wilmar holds a postgraduate degree in Civil Law and Civil Procedure.
* Weverton Ayres Fernandes da Silva: A tax attorney with an MBA in Tax Management from the University of São Paulo (USP/ESALQ) and author of the book “101 Tips on Corporate Law”. Weverton is coordinator of the Tax Nucleus of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Law (IEAD) and a member of the Tax Law Commission of the OAB/GO.