Raphael Gomes, Bruno Crispim, Felipe Gibson

Lefosse advises Omega in negotiation with White Martins

Lefosse advised Omega on the negotiation and closing of a project for selfproduction of energy by equivalence with White Martins Gases Industriais and White Martins Gases Industriais do Nordeste.

The project includes the entry of consumers as shareholders of the controlling company of the Chuí wind complex, in addition to an energy purchase and sale agreement for an average amount of 100 MW. The Chuí complex is located in the municipalities of Chuí and Santa Vitória do Palmar, in Rio Grande do Sul, and has 582.8 MW of installed capacity.

The transaction value was BRL 1 bi.

Lefosse relied on partners Raphael Gomes (pictured left); Bruno Crispim (pictured center), Felipe Gibson (pictured right), associate Rafael Machado, Gregory Campos, Arao Kang and Luisa Leite.
