Bruno Racy and José Prado

Machado Meyer advises on the issue of Beta Produtora de Energia

Machado Meyer advised the issuer Beta Produtora de Energia SPE and FRAM Capital Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários on the issuer’s 1st (first) issuance of simple debentures, not convertible into shares, of the type with in rem security, with additional guarantee, in a single series, for public distribution, under CVM 160, in the totalo amount of BRL 50 million.

Machado Meyer relied on partner Bruno Janikian Racy (pictured left) and Jose Prado (pictured right), lawyers Erika Toe Goto, Fernanda Leopoldo E Silva Abdalla, Leticia Walder Antoneli, Natalia Fava De Almeida.
