Marcelo Cosac

Madrona Fialho advises on the issuance of debentures by Sumicity

Madrona Fialho acted as counsel for the parts involved in the public offering of debentures pursuant to CVM Resolution 160 of the 4th issuance of debentures by Sumicity Telecomunicações, in the total amount of BRL 500 million.

The issuance is guaranteed by EB Fibra Participações S.A., and it is also a fiduciary assignment of movable property by Sumicity, VIP BR Telecom and XP Serviços de Comunicação, as well as a fiduciary assignment of credit rights by Sumicity, VIP BR Telecom, XP Serviços de Comunicação, B. S. Costa and Click Tecnologia e Comunicação.

Madrona Fialho Advogados relied on partner Marcelo Cosac (pictured), associates Laura Martins and Flávio Yamauchi.
