Mattos Filho advise FS on the issuance of CRA by Eco
Mattos Filho advised FS Indústria de Biocombustíveis (debtor) and FS I Indústria de Etanol (guarantor) in the issuance, pursuant to CVM 160,as amended, of one million agribusiness receivables certificates (CRA) in four series of the 297th issue of Eco Securitizadora de Direitos Creditórios do Agronegócio, backed by agribusiness credits originated through the issuance of Financial Rural Product Notes issued by the debtor in favor of the issuer, in the total amount of BRL 1 billion.
The CRA offering was intermediated by underwriters BTG Pactual Investment Banking, Banco Itaú BBA, Banco Santander (Brasil), UBS Brasil Corretora de Câmbio, Títulos e Valores Mobiliários and XP Investimentos Corretora de Câmbio, Títulos e Valores Mobiliários, which was advised by Machado Meyer.
Mattos Filho relied on partner Bruno Mastriani Simões Tuca and Raphael Saraiva, associates Stephanie Hitomi Fugita, Amanda Negrão de Araújo, Victor Rodini Issa.
Machado Meyer advised the underwriters and relied on partners Bruno Janikian Racy, Luis Filipe Gentil Pedro, lawyers Carolina Maronez Barreto, Antonio Mesquita.