Jose Luiz Homem de Mello

Multiple firms act on the offering of Global Notes

Multiple firms acted on the offering by Federative Republic of Brazil of securities in the international capital market (Global Notes) in the amount of USD 2 billion.

Pinheiro Neto has represented the underwriters BofA Securities; Goldman Sachs & Co.; HSBC Securities (USA) in connection with the transaction, working on all Brazilian law matters and relied on partner Jose Luiz Homem de Mello (pictured); associate João Pedro Ribeiro Taveira and Leonardo Duarte Moreira.

Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP, was counsel for the Federal Republic of Brazil for U.S. matters, has assisted in the coordination of the transaction and prepared an opinion with regard to the validity of the transaction documents. They relied on lawyers: Whitney Debevoise; Gregory Harrington; Arturo Carballo; Carlos Pelaez; Mateo Morris; Valetina Garzon, David Sausen; and Lauren Hoepfner.

Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, act as counsel for the underwriters for U.S. matters, has assisted in the coordination of the transaction and prepared an opinion with regard to the validity of the transaction documents and relied on lawyers Christopher L. Mann; Alan J. Fishman; Renata Mascarenhas; Christian T. Hodges; Inigo García; Yael S. Medina; Daniela C. Vazquez Loriga; and Jeffrey D. Hochberg.
