Tiago Themudo

Pinheiro Neto acte as deal counsel on the CRA issuance of Eco

Pinheiro Neto Advogados acted as deal counsel on the public offering of 42,000 agribusiness receivables certificates (CRA), all nominative and book-entry, of the 1st series of the 306th issuance of the Eco Securitizadora de Direitos Creditórios do Agronegócio, with a nominal unit value of R$1,000 and private issuance of 18,000 2nd series of the 306th issuance of the Securitization Company, with a nominal unit value of R$1,000.

Pinheiro Neto relied on partner Tiago A.D. Themudo Lessa (pictured), associatess Elena Carvalho Carrasco, Felipe Eichi Tanabe and legal assistant Beatriz Pecci Marani.
