Pinheiro Guimarães and Machado Meyer acted in the joint investment in 4 special purpose companies (SPEs) by Klabin and a Timber Investment Management Organization (TIMO). The SPEs will be controlled by Klabin and their main
Tags :Klabin
Pinheiro Guimarães advised Klabin on its 15th issuance of public offering of debentures, under the automatic registration procedure, of simple, non-convertible, unsecured debentures, in a single series, in accordance with the provisions of Law
BMA advised Klabin on the direct acquisition, through a controlled company, of 100% of the share capital of Arauco Florestal Arapoti (AFA) and Arauco Forest Brasil (AFB), owned by Celulosa Arauco Y Constitución and Inversiones
Pinheiro Guimarães and Clifford Chance advised Klabin; Tauil & Chequer and Mayer Brown advised J.P Morgan in its role as lead coordinator on a US$ 595 million syndicated loan for Klabin, a Brazilian pulp
Mattos Filho advised Klabin; Tauil & Chequer Advogados advised Itaú BBA on the structuring of the public offering of Agribusiness Receivables Certificates (CRA) of the 65th issuance in a single series of True Securitizadora related
Mattos Filho advised Klabin; Dias Carneiro Advogados acted as Brazilian counsel to Inter-American Development Bank, Inter-American Investment Corporation, International Finance Corporation and Japan International Cooperation Agency in the restructuring of the financing of USD 800,000,000 granted