Carey has represented EF Securitizadora, Moneda and Consorcio in the structuring and issuance of securitized bonds backed by present and future receivables from Créditos, Organización y Finanzas (COFISA) and Inversiones LP (ILP), both
Tags :La Polar
Barros & Errázuriz has advised Ameris Capital, acting on behalf of its Private Investment Fund LP 15-01, as originator (Fund), in the negotiation of the refinancing of the Fund’s claims in conjunction with
Larrain y Asociados has assisted Empresas La Polar in the acquisition of AD Retail (Abcdin) and the integration of its businesses. The proposed integration was announced by both companies in April 2023. In May the Financial
Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría Chile has counselled AD Retail in its integration with La Polar, through the implementation of a commercial agreement that includes, among other steps, the purchase by La Polar