Lefosse assisted Verde Asset group, a leading Brazilian investment management firm, on the structuring and registration of Verde Asset Agro e Imobiliário, an asset manager focused on the management of real estate investment funds (
Tags :Laura Affonso
Pinheiro Neto, Lefosse, Latham & Watkins and Gunderson Dettmer advised on corporate restructuring of Celcoin Instituição de Pagamento to receive Summit Partners L.P. investment and in the investment round itself. The transaction value
Stocche Forbes and BMA advised Diagnósticos da América (DASA) on the business combination of hospitals and oncology clinics with Amil Assistência Médica Internacional (Amil), which was advised by Lefosse. The transaction
Machado Meyer and Lefosse acted as deal counsels on the acquisition, by Luna Fibra, of all the shares representing the capital stock of SAMM – Sociedade de Atividades em Multimídia, currently held by CCR. The