Guerrero Olivos acted as advisor to Towerbank International in the negotiation and structuring of a financing granted to Krah Latin America, with the joint and several guarantee of Montajes Industriales Montec, for a maximum amount
Tags :Miguel Coddou
Guerrero Olivos has advised the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group (WBG), which has approved a $45 million financing for the “Caja de Compensación de Asignación Familiar Caja 18 de
Carey has represented Sonnedix in a short-term financing of up to USD $24 million granted by DNB Bank to Don Goyo Transmission, part of the Sonnedix group. This transaction closed on 17 July, and involved the Chilean
Guerrero Olivos has counselled creditors on the rescheduling of approximately CLP$160 billion of Manuka Group loans, including debt redenominations, novations and reschedulings, as well as prepayments and disbursements of new funds. This transaction also included
Carey has counselled Enel Chile on the negotiation and execution of a share purchase agreement, pursuant to which it was agreed to sell to Sonnedix all of the shares owned by Enel and issued by
Cariola Díez Pérez-Cotapos has counselled Scotiabank Chile in connection with two loan agreements and an Intercreditor Agreement. The first loan was dated March 11, in the amount of US$15,500,000, entered into between Pingüino