Barros & Errázuriz has assisted the lenders in the negotiation and execution of an amendment to a syndicated financing agreement previously granted to Sugal B.V., for more than USD $160 million, aimed at refinancing
Tags :Portugal
ONTIER has assisted the Portuguese company Colep Packaging, a RAR Group company and one of the most important players in the European aerosol market and Iberian leader in general line packaging, in the execution of
Cuatrecasas, through its Mexico City office, has assisted Portik Group and its Mexican subsidiaries in the €50 million financing granted by Kartesia for the expansion of its real estate business. Portik is a property management company
Carneiros e Dipp Advogados, based in Brasília, and Cruz Vilaça Advogados, based in Lisbon, Portugal, have entered into a collaboration agreement aimed at offering clients high-quality legal services in Brazil and the European