Alejandro Perelsztein

Bruchou advises on placement of securities of the city of Buenos Aires

Bruchou & Funes de la Rioja has advised the underwriters on the issuance by the City of Buenos Aires of additional Class 23 floating rate securities for an amount of $17,547,475,756 Argentine pesos maturing in 2028.

The issue was made under its Local Market Financing Programme for a nominal value of up to US $3.950.696.043,22. The Additional Securities were issued on 29 September 2022.

Investors were able to subscribe for the Additional Securities with the class 22 public debt securities maturing in 2024.

Banco de Galicia y Buenos Aires, Banco de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Banco de Servicios y Transacciones, HSBC Bank Argentina, Facimex Valores, and TPCG Valores acted as placement agents.

Muñoz de Toro Abogados acted as legal counsel to Buenos Aires through its team led by partner Ricardo Muñoz de Toro and associates María Guillermina Muñoz de Toro and Laura Gomes.

Bruchou’s team consisted of partner Alejandro Perelsztein (pictured) and associates Manuel Etchevehere and Manuel Rodríguez Costi.

L Giselle Estrada