André Mileski

Lefosse advises Telefônica Brasil on Vivo Money FIDC fundraising

Lefosse has advised Telefônica Brasil on an investment commitment transaction with portfolio manager Polígono Capital and its investment funds managed through the subscription of senior quotas of Vivo Money Fundo de Investimento em Direitos Creditórios, a securitisation investment fund (FIDC) incorporated in Brazil.

This investment by Polígono could reach BRL 250 million and is expected to be developed over a maximum of 24 months, depending on the growth of the loan portfolio. Polígono Capital is a joint venture between BTG Pactual Asset Management and Prisma Capital.

 The FIDC, which has been operating since 2020, was formed with the objective of acquiring credit rights backed by personal loans, as well as credits derived from the financing of smartphones and other devices carried out in the company’s physical shops, within the scope of the “Vivo Money” product.

Nathalia Pereira Leite and Isis Garcia de Faria Kugler acted as in-house lawyers for Telefônica Brasil.

Lefosse’s team included partner André Mileski (pictured) and associates Jorge Kou and Rodrigo Bertholdo.

L Giselle Estrada