Pablo Sorj and Bruno Racy

Mattos Filho and Machado Meyer act on issuance of Odata Brasil

Mattos Filho and Machado Meyer acted on the 1srt issuance of commercial notes, in a single series, with real guarantee, for public distribution by automatic distribution registration rite, for professional investors, of Odata Brasil, in the total amount of BRL150 million.

The commercial notes are secured by fiduciary assignment of certain credit rights. The net funds raised by Odata through the commercial notes will be used for investments in fixed assets, replenishment of Odata’s cash and working capital.

Mattos Filho advised Odata Brasil (subsidiary of Pátria Investimentos) and relied on partner Pablo Sorj (pictured left), lawyers Aimi Sagae Mello Dumans Royse and Cecilia Bueno Vecchi.

Machado Meyer advised Banco ABC Brasil and relied on partner Bruno Janikian Racy (pictured right), lawyers Fernanda Leopoldo e Silva Abdalla, Leticia Walder Antoneli.
