Beautiful Buildings

Magazine Number: 1
Publishing Date: 22 March 2024

We have long pondered on the most straightforward way to present the content of this monograph to our readers. Aware that the title might be misleading to some, we want to first clarify what Beautiful Buildings is not. It’s not a magazine solely focused on real estate, architecture, design, urban planning, or engineering. Nor is it a compilation of the most aesthetically pleasing or unattractive buildings in our cities, nor those from specific historical eras.

Beautiful Buildings delves into the realm of spaces. Workspaces, meeting areas, and places of learning. It explores places where the business community gathers, reconnects, and identifies with. It discusses how these spaces have evolved over time, vacating and embracing new realities. It also reflects on how the concepts of space and time have become increasingly intertwined, interpreted, and redefined by those who inhabit these places.

MAG monographs is a special quarterly issue presented in the form of a monograph, which represents an opportunity to speak in a new way to the legal and financial business community.

MAG monographs is a reading product, parallel, innovative, and with an international scope. It aims to narrate completely new stories and points of view on the events involving the LC Publishing Group communities. The idea is to overturn the paradigms of narration by opening up to new voices and alternative storytelling solutions.

Among the themes planned for 2024: BEAUTIFUL BUILDINGS, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, WOMEN, REVOLUTIONS. Open themes that will be explored by seeking unpublished stories, images, and research.

Each of these issues is coordinated by one of the journalists from our editorial team. Michela Cannovale, for Beautiful Buildings; Giuseppe Salemme, for the issue dedicated to artificial intelligence; Eleonora Fraschini, for the issue dedicated to women; Letizia Ceriani, for the issue on revolutions.

General information: