Alberto Rebaza and Luis Miguel Elías

RAD assists Enel in the sale of its generation business in Peru to Actis

Rebaza Alcázar & De las Casas has advised Enel on the agreement with Niagara Energy, a company controlled by the British fund Actis, for the sale of the shares of its subsidiaries Enel Américas and Enel Perú, representing approximately 86.96% of Enel Generación Perú and 100% of Compañía Energética Veracruz for a total of USD 1.4 billion, subject to customary price adjustments in this type of transaction.

The transaction is expected to close in the second quarter of 2024, subject to customary conditions, including prior approval of the merger control by INDECOPI, Peru’s competition regulator.

Other participating firms include Hogan Lovells, as international counsel to Enel, and Garrigues and Milbank, as local and international counsel to Actis, respectively.

Garrigues’ team included partners Sergio Amiel and Thomas Thorndike, counsel Héctor Zegarra, senior associates Miluska Gutiérrez and Mónica Irrazabal, and associates María José Cardoza and Stefano Valer.

Milbank’s team consisted of partners Aaron Stine and John Franchini, counsels Ross Shepard and John Garces, and associates Joysheel Shrivastava, Christina Welch and Christina Sonageri.

Hogan Lovells’ team comprised partner Luca Picone, counsel Pierluigi Feliciani and senior associate Martino Filippi.

Rebaza Alcázar’s team was led by partners Luis Miguel Elías (pictured right) and Alberto Rebaza (pictured left), with support from senior associates Pedro Díaz, David Baracco and Rafael Santín, and associates Josefina Arana, Fiorella Wismann, Fernando Rodríguez and Rosario Miranda.

L Giselle Estrada