Roberto Lizondo

Salaverri on CPESA Class IV Notes Issue

Salaverri Burgio & Wetzler Malbrán has assisted Crown Point Energía (CPESA) in the issuance of its Class IV Notes for a par value of US $7,476,000.

The issuance was made under its programme for the issuance of simple notes (not convertible into shares) for up to US$ 75,000,000. The Class IV Notes, denominated in US dollars and payable in pesos, will bear interest at a fixed rate of 5% nominal per annum and mature on 20 July 2025.

Banco de Servicios y Transacciones acted as arranger, together with SBS Trading, Banco de Galicia y Buenos Aires, Latin Securities, Macro Securities, Facimex Valores and Banco Hipotecario, which also acted as underwriters.

Salaverri’s team was led by partner Roberto Lizondo (pictured) and associates Lucía de Miceu, Carolina Colombo and Tomas Hodgers.

L Giselle Estrada