Santos Neto and VBSO

Santos Neto advises CRA’s issuance of Bevap

Santos Neto Advogados advised Bioenergética Vale do Paracatu (Bevap) in the public offering of Agribusiness Receivables Certificates (CRA) of the 14th issue of True Securitizadora S.A., backed by Agribusiness Credit Rights due by Bevap. The distribution of CRAs was carried out in accordance with CVM Instruction 476, under the coordination of Itaú BBA.

The total amount of the issue was R$ 120 million.

The team of Santos Neto Advogados involved in the transaction was partners Matheus Zilioti (pictured left) and Domicio dos Santos Neto (pictured center), associates Henrique Takeda, Gabriela Ticianelli and Bruna Dias, trainee Vinicius Oliveira.

VBSO Advogados advised Itaú BBA and relied on partner José Alves Ribeiro Jr. (pictured right), associates Rapahel Martire Rocha, Júlia Barberato Pretto, Bárbara Gonçalves, Clarissa Rangel Pradel, Maria Eugênnia Ketelhuth Vicentini
