Matheus Zilioti

Santos Neto advises CRA’s issuance of VB Alimentos

Santos Neto Advogados advises VB Alimentos, in the public offering of Agribusiness Receivables Certificates (CRA) of the 183th issue of Eco Securitizadora de Direitos Creditórios do Agronegócio, backed by commercial papers due by VB Alimentos.

The issuance was one of the first with a destination linked to the reimbursement of expenses. Distribution of CRAs was carried out in accordance with CVM Rule 476 by Itaú BBA.

The total amount of the issue was R$ 50 million.

Santos Neto Advogados relied on partner Matheus Zilioti (pictured), and associates Henrique Takeda and Fabrício Galvano.

VBSO Advogados acted as Itaú BBA advisor.
