Santos Neto Advogados acted as deal counsel, advising Itaú BBA Assessoria Financeira BBA and VB Alimentos Indústria e Comércio, on the public offering of commercial notes, in a single series, for distribution by
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Santos Neto Advogados acted as deal counsel, advising Banco Votorantim and Multitécnica Group, in a transaction involving the restructuring of Multitécnica Fiagro-Direitos Creditórios (fund), as well as the issuance and public offering
Santos Neto Advogados and Veirano advised on the deal involved the issuance of Certificates of Agribusiness Receivables (CRA) by Opea Securitizadora, in the total amount of BRL 100 million, in a single tranche. The issuance of
Santos Neto Advogados acted as deal counsel, advising Kinea Investimentos, Opea Securitizadora and Pietá Administração de Bens, company that is part of the Durlicouros Group, in the public offering of Agribusiness Receivables Certificates (CRA)
Santos Neto Advogados advised Alcoolquímica; Lobo de Rizzo advised XP Investimentos Corretora de Câmbio, Títulos e Valores Mobiliários, Banco Bocom BBM and Itaú BBA Assessoria Financeira, on the 157th issuance of
Santos Neto Advogados acted as deal counsel, advising Banco Bocom BBM, Usina Aysú and Opea Securitizadora, on the public offering of Agribusiness Receivables Certificates (CRA) of 147th issue of Opea Securitizadora, backed by Agribusiness Credit
Santos Neto Advogados advised Agropecuária Maggi (AMAGGI), on the public offering of Agribusiness Receivables Certificates (CRA) of 349th issue of Eco Securitizadora de Direitos Creditórios do Agronegócio (Ecoagro), backed by Agribusiness Credit
SNA – Santos Neto Advogados celebrated the one-year anniversary of its Ribeirão Preto office, consolidating its services to families, rural producers, the ethanol, sugar and bioelectricity, agricultural and livestock markets and companies in the agribusiness
Santos Neto Advogados advised RB Investimentos and True Securitizadora, in the public offering of Real Estate Receivables Certificates (CRI) of 229th issue of True Securitizadora, backed by Real Estate Credits due by Moby Self Storage,
Santos Neto Advogados (SNA) advised Trinity Energias Renováveis, one of the largest energy traders in the country, in the formation of a joint venture with Evolua, through the acquisition of quotas representing the entire