Santos Neto advises on issuance of Caramuru Green CRA
Santos Neto Advogados advised UBS Brasil Corretora de Câmbio, Títulos e Valores Mobiliários, Banco BTG Pactual and Banco Votorantim on the public offering of Agribusiness Receivables Certificates (CRA) of the 172th Issue of ECO Securitizadora, backed by Agribusiness Credit Rights due by Caramuru Alimentos.
The distribution of CRA was carried out in accordance with CVM Instruction 400. CRAs were characterized as “Green Bonds” according to an independent opinion confirming that the CRAs are in line with the Green Bonds Principles, based on the environmental and climate benefits generated by the purchase of soy for biodiesel production, fostering sustainable agricultural production, primary processing and storage and contracting of logistic services with low emission of greenhouse gases by Caramuru.
The total amount of the issue was R$ 600 million.
Santos Neto Advogados relied on Matheus Zilioti, Domicio dos Santos Neto and associates Henrique Takeda and Vinicius Oliveira.
Cascione Pulino Boulos Advogados advised Caramuru.