Pinheiro Neto Advogados advised Grupo Casas Bahia on its issuance of debentures, in 3 series, for public distribution, under the Best Efforts Placement Regime, totaling BRL 4,079,969,958. Machado Meyer acted as counsel of the arrangers. Pinheiro Neto
Tags :Adriano Schnur
Tauil & Chequer Advogados in association with Mayer Brown advised CCR Rio SP, a subsidiary of CCR and the concessionaire for the Dutra and Rio-Santos highways, in a historic milestone for the Brazilian infrastructure sector.
Machado Meyer Advogados advised CCR RodoAnel; Tauil & Chequer Advogados in association with Mayer Brown advised BTG Pactual on the public offering of incentivized debentures, under the terms of Law 12.431/11, issued by CCR RodoAnel, in
The transaction is an essential part of a process of consolidation and delisting of Cielo by its controlling shareholders, Banco do Brasil and Bradesco. The OPA remains suspended, subject to the shareholders’ decision at the
Stocche Forbes and Machado Meyer advised on the public offering of Real Estate Receivables Certificates of the 249th issue, in 3 series, by True Securitizadora, backed by Real Estate Credits owed by Aché Laboratórios Farmacê
Tauil & Chequer Advogados, in association with Mayer Brown, advised the Ecovias do Cerrado Concessionaire on the public offering of the company’s 2nd issue of debentures, in the total amount of R$640 million. The
Pinheiro Neto advised the company and Machado Meyer advised the underwriter on the first issuance of debentures of Soneva Energias Renováveis, in the total amount of R$6.767.910.000,00 The issuance of the debentures was part
Lefosse and Machado Meyer advised on the 5th issue of simple debentures non-convertible into shares, unsecured, in a single series, for public distribution, under the automatic registration in accordance with CVM 160, of Empresa Concessionária
Machado Meyer advised Concessionária Rota de Santa Maria and Sacyr Concesiones on the implementation of a toll road project by Sacyr in Brazil, including its construction and funding. Cescon Barrieu advice to BNDES, Banco
Cescon Barrrieu, Machado Meyer and others advised on the financing of the expansion and operation of certain sections of RSC-287 Highway between the cities of Tabaí/RS and Santa Maria/RS, comprehending 204.51 km in length