Tauil & Chequer Advogados associated to Mayer Brown advised AVG Empreendimentos Minerários; CGM Advogados advised the underwriters on the public offering of the 1st issuance of commercial papers of AVG Empreendimentos Minerários (AVG
Tags :commercial papers
Panamanian law firm Arias Fábrega & Fábrega has advised AV Securities in relation to the first public issuance of green commercial paper in Panama’s history by BG Metal Trade. This transaction marks
Machado Meyer acted as a deal counsel advising Banco Itaú BBA and Infraestrutura Brasil Holding I, on the 1srt issuance of commercial notes, in a single series, with real guarantee, for public distribution by automatic
Pinheiro Neto Advogados acted as deal counsel on the 1st issuance of commercial papers for public distribution, of Energisa Rondônia, Energisa Acre, Energisa Sergipe, Energisa Paraíba, Energisa Minas Rio, Energisa Mato Grosso do
Machado Meyer acted as deal counsel on the 1st issue of commercial papers, in a single series, for public distribution, according to the CVM 160, of AG Properties, in the total amount of BRL 120 million. Machado
Machado Meyer act as deal counsel on the public offering of the 1st issuance of commercial papers, in a single series, issued by Concessionária VLT Carioca, in the total amount of BRL 72 million. Machado
Machado Meyer acted as deal counsel on the 1st issue of commercial papers, in a single series, for public distribution, according to the CVM 160, of Maxxima Energia, in the total amount of BRL 50 million. Machado
Machado Meyer act as deal counsel to the 1st issue of commercial papers, in a single series, for public distribution, according to the CVM 160, of Economia Circular Participações, in the total amount of BRL 125
Veirano Advogados acted as deal counsel advising the ccompany and the underwritter on the public offering of the 1st issuance of commercial papers of Empresa de Mineração Esperança (AVG Group), in the total
Machado Meyer acted as deal counsel on the 1st issuance of commercial papers, in a sigle series, with personal guarantee, for public distribution, through the distribution automatic registration rite, pursuant to CVM Resolution 160, of Lago