Martínez Quintero Mendoza González Laguado has assisted Finexus in the execution of a sale and purchase agreement with a trust owned by Kandeo Asset Management for the sale and transfer of its payroll
Tags :Darío Laguado
Martínez Quintero Mendoza González Laguado & De La Rosa and ACR Legal have assisted Inversiones Wivet in Colombia and Chile, respectively, in the acquisition of Movet, a company with 5 veterinary clinics in Bogotá
Carey has acted as Chilean advisor to Graham Partners, a private equity firm that invests in technology companies, through its US subsidiary OptConnect, in the acquisition of M2M Data Global, a Chilean company dedicated
Brigard Urrutia has acted as legal advisor to Productora Nacional Avícola in the sale of 40% of its shares to the Spanish company Global Layer Distribution (GLD) for COP $14,460,800,000. Upon completion of this acquisition GLD
Different firms have advised HDI International and HDI Seguros (part of the Talanx Group) on the acquisition of Liberty Mutual Insurance’s personal and commercial insurance business in Chile, Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador. The acquisition