Mattos Filho advised the issuer and Stocche Forbes advised the underwriters on the public offering of the 9th issuance of debentures by Smartfit Escola de Ginástica e Dança, pursuant to CVM 160, in the
Tags :Fausto Guimarães
Mattos Filho and Stocche Forbes advised on the second issuance of infrastructure debentures issued by Rio+ Saneamento BL3, in the total aggregate amount of R$ 2,500,000,000.00; BNDES in connection with certain loan agreement entered into with
Stocche Forbes Advogados advised on the public offering with restrict placement efforts of the first issuance of debentures by BRK Ambiental – Uruguaiana, pursuant to Instruction No. 476, of the Brazilian Securities Commission, in which the debentures