Mattos Filho assisted Oriz Asset Management and XP Vista Asset Management in the acquisition of 70% equity stake in TS-28 Participações (greenfield), which will be the owner of a mixed real estate development in Jardins
Tags :Flavio Mifano
Several law firms acted on this transaction in which the Special Committee of the Arco Platform acquired shares and delisting of the company by General Atlantic L.P. and Dragoneer Investment Group, LLC. The transaction
Machado Meyer advised BTG Pactual in financing in the amount of BRL 180 million to Samaúma Empreendimentos Imobilários, wich was advised by Mattos Filho. The transaction means of the indenture of the 1st issuance
Mattos Filho acted in Brazil together with Cleary Gottlieb that representing French insurance company CNP Assurances in the acquisition of the stakes held by Caixa Seguridade Participações, wich was represented by Machado Meyer; and