Madrona Fialho Advogados assisted Hapvida Participações e Investimentos in a sale and lease back operation of 10 (ten) real properties owned by the company’s subsidiaries. The transaction totalled the amount of BRL 1,250,000,000.00 with an
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Mattos Filho and Stocche Forbes advised on the public offering of shares (follow-on) by Hapvida Participações e Investimentos, pursuant to CVM 160, in the total amount of BRL,60. Simultaneously, the company offered a total of 395.207.520
Stocche Forbes advised the issuer; Mattos Filho advised the underwriters on the public offering of the fourth issuance of debentures issued by Hapvida Participações e Investimentos, pursuant to CVM 160, in the total amount of