Santos Neto Advogados acted as deal counsel, advising Banco Votorantim and Multitécnica Group, in a transaction involving the restructuring of Multitécnica Fiagro-Direitos Creditórios (fund), as well as the issuance and public offering
Tags :Henrique Takeda
Santos Neto Advogados advised Vera Cruz Agropecuária and other companies of Grupo Otávio Lage, in the public offering of Agribusiness Receivables Certificates (CRA) of 361th issue of Eco Securitizadora de Direitos Creditórios
Santos Neto Advogados acted as deal counsel, advising Banco Bocom BBM, Usina Aysú and Opea Securitizadora, on the public offering of Agribusiness Receivables Certificates (CRA) of 147th issue of Opea Securitizadora, backed by Agribusiness Credit
Santos Neto Advogados advised Kinea Investimentos, acting as the investor, in a transaction involving the restructuring of the INDIGO FIAGRO – Agribusiness Credit Rights Fund, as well as the issuance and public offering of senior shares,
Santos Neto Advogados acted as deal counsel, advising Guide Investimentos and Cedro Textil, in the public offering of debentures, in a single series, for public distribution under automatic distribution registration rite of CVM Rule 160, for
SNA – Santos Neto Advogados acted as deal counsel, advising Banco Itaú BBA and Indústrias Colombo, on the public offering of commercial notes, in a single series, for public distribution by automatic distribution registration rite
Santos Neto Advogados acted as deal counsel, advising Itaú BBA, True Securitizadora and Eurobike, on the public offering of securitized debentures, in two series, of 4th issue of True Securitizadora, backed by book-entry commercial notes
Santos Neto Advogados advises Genial Investimentos, Grupo Magnólia and True Securitizadora, in the public offering of Agribusiness Receivables Certificates (CRA) of the 66th issue of True Securitizadora, backed by Agribusiness Credit Rights due by
Santos Neto Advogados advises Bioenegética Vale do Paracatu (Bevap), in the public offering of debentures, in a single series, with real guarantee, for public distribution under automatic distribution registration rite of CVM 160, for professional
Santos Neto Advogados acted as deal counsel, advising Galápagos Capital, Ecoagro Securitizadora and Enebra Energia, on the public offering of Agribusiness Receivables Certificates (CRA) of the 311th issue of Ecoagro, backed by Agribusiness Credit