BMA – Barbosa, Müssnich e Aragão Advogados advised Fleury on its 8th issuance and public offering of non-convertible unsecured debentures, intended exclusively for professional investors, registered before CVM 160, in the total amount of R$500
Tags :Henrique Vicentin Lisboa
VBSO Advogados assisted Itaú and Liqi Digital Assets, acting as deal counsel in structuring the first TIDC (Token de Investimento em Direitos Creditórios), a set of tokens that facilitates the acquisition and turnover of
VBSO Advogados acted as legal counsel on the structuring and issuance of real estate receivables certificates – CRI for the 208th issuance of True Securitizadora, backed by debentures owed by Raia Drogasil, in the total amount
VBSO Advogados advises Sparta Administradora de Recursos, RB Investimentos e Nu Invest in the second issuance of shares of Sparta Infra CDI Fundo de Investimento em Cotas de Fundos Incentivados de Investimento em Infraestrutura Renda
VBSO Advogados advised the structuring of the public offer, with straight underwriting, of the 1st (first) issue of book-entry commercial notes, without guarantee, in a single series, of Companhia de Água e Esgoto do Ceará –
VBSO Advogados advised Empresa de Ônibus Pássaro Marron on its 2nd issuance of simple unsecured debentures, not convertible into shares in single series. The offering was coordinated by UBS Brasil Corretora de Câmbio,
VBSO Advogados acted as deal counsel in the structuring and issuance of agribusiness receivables certificates (CRA) for the 23rd issuance of Canal Companhia de Securitização, backed by agribusiness credit rights owed by Indigo Brazil
VBSO Advogados acted in the structuring of Soulpay Fundo de Investimento em Direitos Creditórios and issuance of shares of the investment fund, which were distributed through a public offering with restricted distribution efforts, pursuant
VBSO- Vaz, Buranello, Shingaki & Oioli Advogados advised BRVias Holding VRD on its 5th issuance of simple unsecured debentures, not convertible into shares, with security interest, in single series. The offering was coordinated by BR