Lefosse advised Vibra Energia and Stocche Forbes acted as legal advisors to the Itaú BBA Assessoria Financeira on the public offering of debentures of Vibra Energia in the ninth issuance, pursuant to CVM 160, in the
Tags :Itaú BBA
VBSO Advogados advised on the issuance and public offering of quotas of Frimesa Fundo de Investimento em Direitos Creditórios Responsabilidade Limitada, a receivables investment fund, established in a single class, managed by Opea Gestora
Pinheiro Guimarães and Machado Meyer advised on the 9th issue of simple debentures, not convertible into shares, of the type single series, for public distribution through the automatic distribution of B3 – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcã
Stocche Forbes advised on the public offering of the 13th issuance of debentures of Eneva, pursuant to CVM 160, in the total amount of BRL 838.074.000,00 Stocche Forbes advised Eneva, Itaú BBA Assessoria Financeira, Banco Citibank and
Machado Meyer advised the issuer; Cescon Barrieu advised the underwriters on the 19th issuance of simple nonconvertible unsecured debentures, in a single series, of Unidas Locações e Serviços, for public distribution, without prior
Pinheiro Neto advised the issuer; Cescon Barrieu advised the underwriters on the 1st issuance of secured commercial notes, with additional personal guarantee, in a single series, by Elea Digital Infraestrutura e Redes de Telecomunicações,
Tauil & Chequer Advogados in association with Mayer Brown acted as deal counsel for the 246th issuance of Agribusiness Receivables Certificates (CRAs) by Virgo Companhia de Securitização, backed by agribusiness credit rights owed by
Pinheiro Neto Advogados advised the issuer, and Lefosse advised the underwriters on the 12th issuance of simple debentures, not convertible into shares, in a single series, unsecured, for public distribution, under the firm guarantee of
Pinheiro Guimarães advised Grupo Mateus on the acquisition of 51% of Novo Atacarejo through the combination of the totality of the business of Novo Atacarejo with the cash-and-carry (atacarejo), retail and wholesale distribution business of
Lefosse act as advisor for Empresa de Transmissão de Várzea Grande – ETVG on the 2nd issuance of 50.000 non-convertible debentures, in single series, in the total amount of BRL 50 million, pursuant to CVM 160, as