CGM Advogados advised on the ABV Group‘s second issue of commercial notes in a private placement operation. The funds from these new operations will be used to restructure the company’s debt and strengthen
Tags :Luiz Rafael de Vargas Maluf
CGM Advogados advised the AVG Group on two combined and related public offerings, both concurrent and related to the second issue of commercial papers by AVG Empreendimentos Minerários and Empresa de Mineração Esperanç
CGM Advogados advised on the public offering of the 1st issuance of debenture of Companhia Asa Rent a Car Locação de Veículos on a total amount of BRL 88 million. Cescon Barrieu advised the
Tauil & Chequer Advogados associated to Mayer Brown advised AVG Empreendimentos Minerários; CGM Advogados advised the underwriters on the public offering of the 1st issuance of commercial papers of AVG Empreendimentos Minerários (AVG
CGM Advogados advised COAPAR and Gaia Impacto Securitizadora on the ESG public offering of the singles series of the 36th issuance of Agribusiness Receivables Certificates (CRA) of Gaia Impacto Securitizadora, backed by agribusiness credits (financial
Veirano Advogados acted as deal counsel advising the ccompany and the underwritter on the public offering of the 1st issuance of commercial papers of Empresa de Mineração Esperança (AVG Group), in the total
Machado Meyer advised the issuer Administradora Geral de Estacionamentos and Veirano Advogados advised the underwriter Banco Votorantim on the public offering of the 2nd issuance of debentures of Administradora Geral de Estacionamentos (Indigo PareBem), in
Veirano and Machado Meyer acted on the public offering of the 1st issuance of debentures of Novo Caracol e Tainhas. Novo Caracol and Tainhas is a consortium that assumed the concession of the state parks
Veirano Advogados advised the issuer, Cescon Barrieu Advogados advised the underwriters on the public offering of the 1st issuance of debentures of Refrigeração Dufrio Comércio e Importação in total amount of R$ 100
Trench Rossi Watanabe advised Intelbras and Veirano Advogados advised BNDES on the public offering of the 3rd issuance of debentures of Intelbras – Indústria de Telecomunicação Eletrônica Brasileira. The transaction value was R$ 500