Morgan & Morgan has acted as local counsel to Carbon Streaming Corporation and Rubicon Capital in connection with an advance payment purchase agreement for carbon credits between Azuero Reforestación Colectiva (ARC), as seller, and
Tags :purchase agreement
Barros & Errázuriz has assisted GSI Rentas ERNC II in the execution of a promise of sale and assignment of flows of a lease agreement over a series of properties located in the commune
Latham & Watkins has advised ConocoPhillips on a sale and purchase agreement with Mexico Pacific for ConocoPhillips to purchase approximately 2.2 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) in aggregate of liquefied natural gas (LNG) through trains 1, 2 and 3
Flor Bustamante Pizarro & Hurtado has acted as Ecuadorian counsel to Wheaton Precious Metals on a US $300 million precious metals purchase agreement (Gold Stream) with Lumina Gold. The Gold Stream, which closed on 16 May, initially
Bofill Mir Abogados has represented Lundin Mining Corporation in a binding purchase agreement with JX Nippon Mining & Metals Corporation and certain of its subsidiaries to acquire 51% of SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile, a wholly
Gonzalez Calvillo has represented Banco Bradesco, and its Mexican subsidiary Bradescard Mexico, in the preparation, negotiation and signing of a share purchase agreement for the acquisition of all the shares issued by Ictineo Plataforma, a
Machado Meyer Advogados advised RPO Latam Estratégia em Compras on the purchase agreement for Transportes Imediato shares