Several firms have advised on the acquisition of 100% of Ecocopter, a Chilean aeronautics and air services company in Chile and Ecuador, by Helisul Taxi Aereo, a leading helicopter operator in Brazil. This transaction represents Helisul’
Tags :Rafael Teixeira
BVA – Barreto Veiga Advogados advised Unidub Brasil, a well-known dubbing studio in Brazil, on its sale to Iyuno, a world-renowned leader in localization and media distribution solutions. Loeser e Hadad Advogados advised Iyuno. This strategic
The law firms BVA – Barreto Veiga Advogados and DMGSA – Domingues Sociedade de Advogados were responsible for the M&A operation involving Tucumann and Helisul Aviação in the Cataratas Group. Helisul Aviação acquired
Barreto Veiga Advogados has announced the addition of Rafael Teixeira (pictured) as a new partner in the M&A and Corporate Law team. Felipe Barreto Veiga, founding partner of the firm says: “In addition