Lobo de Rizzo advised Itaúsa on the 7th issuance of debentures, of Itaúsa, pursuant to CVM 160, in the total amount of BRL 1,3 billion. Machado Meyer advised the coordinators. Lobo de Rizzo relied on
Tags :Raphael Zono
Pinheiro Neto advised the issuer and Machado Meyer advised the underwriterson the 5th issue of simple debentures, not convertible into shares, of the unsecured type, in up to 3 series, for public distribution, under the automatic
Pinheiro Neto Advogados advised the issuer, and Machado Meyer advised the lead underwriter on the 2nd issuance of simple debentures, not convertible into shares, in a single series, unsecured, with additional fiduciary guarantee, for public
Machado Meyer advised Retrofit 74 Empreendimento Imobiliário SPE (a company controlled by Metaforma Empreendimentos Imobiliários e Participações) on connection with the issuance of Certificates of Real Estate Receivables (CRIs) in the amount of
Machado Meyer and Cescon Barrieu advised Oceânica Engenharia e Consultoria on its issuance of nonconvertible, secured debentures, in a single series, for the public distribution, without prior analysis under the CVM 160, in the total
FLH advised Grupo Ibemapar in the first public offering of senior secured infrastructure debentures, not convertible into shares, in a single series, by Januário de Napoli Geração de Energia, in the total amount
Pinheiro Neto advised the issuer and Machado Meyer worked as legal advisors to the lead underwriter bank in the fifth issuance of simple debentures, non convertible into shares, in a single series, of the species
Machado Meyer advised the issuer and Stoccche Forbes advised the underwritter on the issuance, by Sterlite Brazil Participações, of Bank Credit Certificate in the total amount of BRL 40 million, for capital investiment in Sã
Franco Leutewiler Henriques Advogados – FLH advises Camil Alimentos on the issuance of debentures, non-convertible into shares, in the amount of R$ 625 million. The debentures are linked to the issuance of certificates of agribusiness receivables (CRA)
Machado Meyer advised Concessionária Rota de Santa Maria and Sacyr Concesiones on the implementation of a toll road project by Sacyr in Brazil, including its construction and funding. Cescon Barrieu advice to BNDES, Banco