Marval O’Farrel Mairal has acted as legal advisor in the issuance of trust securities corresponding to the Red Mutual 72 financial trust, for a total amount of V/N ARS 726,730,000. The issue was made on 28
Marval O’Farrell Mairal has participated as legal advisor in the issuance of trust securities corresponding to the Financial Trust “Red Mutual 71”, for a total amount of V/N ARS 1,428,082,938. The issue was made on 18
Marval O’Farrell Mairal has counselled on the issuance of trust securities corresponding to the “Red Mutual 70” Financial Trust. The amount of the issue totalled V/N ARS 715.000.000.000 and is part of the Red Mutual
Marval O’Farrell Mairal has legally assisted in the issuance of trust securities corresponding to the Red Mutual 68 financial trust for a total amount of V/N ARS 1,035,000,000, under the Red Mutual Global Trust Securities
Marval O’Farrell Mairal has assisted in the increase of the issue amount of the RED MUTUAL Global Trust Securities Programme. The operation reached a total amount of USD 50,000,000 and was authorised by the Board