Multiple firms acted on the acquisition of all shares issued by Eletromídia held by Vesuvius LBO – Fundo de Investimento em Participações Multiestratégia Investimento no Exterior, by Globo Comunicação e Participações,
Tags :Trindade Advogados
BMA Advogados assisted Gera Capital in the sale of the remaining interest of one of its investment funds in the capital stock of Grupo Salta Educação (formerly Eleva) – an elementary school network with nearly 130,000
The transaction is an essential part of a process of consolidation and delisting of Cielo by its controlling shareholders, Banco do Brasil and Bradesco. The OPA remains suspended, subject to the shareholders’ decision at the
Cescon Barrieu advised Petro Rio on the merger, by a subsidiary, of all shares issued by Dommo Energia. The transaction value was BRL 889.970.006,00 and involved the business combination between two publicly-held companies of the same