TCA acts in creation of Fox Petrol’s Notes issuance program
Tanoira Cassagne Abogados has acted as counsel to Fox Petrol in the creation of its global program for the issuance of simple negotiable notes, (not convertible into shares), for up to a maximum amount of US $50,000,000 outstanding at any time, which authorization was granted by the Argentine Securities and Exchange Commission (CNV) on November 26, 2024.
Fox Petrol has a track record of more than 20 years and has the necessary infrastructure to process crude oil, which allows it to obtain a large amount of fuels that, in turn, allows it to supply the local market and export solvents to regional markets. The company produces and markets three main cuts of liquid fuels obtained from atmospheric distillation of crude oil. It uses an atmospheric petroleum distillation plant to produce the marketed products.
TCA’s team was composed of partners Alexia Rosenthal (pictured left), Jaime Uranga (pictured centre) and Ignacio Criado Díaz (pictured right), and associates Juan Manuel Simó, Ana Lucía Miranda and Stefanía Lo Valvo.