Rebaza Alcázar & De Las Casas has advised Capital Pacífico Fintech and Préstamo Feliz so that, through the Securitization Trust “Patrimonio en Fideicomiso PRÉSTAMO FELIZ – D. Leg. N° 861, No Inscrito en
Tags :programme creation
Tanoira Cassagne Abogados has assisted Balanz Capital Valores in the placement of Series I Notes for a nominal amount of US$35,000,000. The Notes were issued at a nominal annual interest rate of 5%, denominated and payable
Tanoira Cassagne Abogados has advised Mendoza Fiduciaria in its capacity as Trustee in the creation of the global trust securities programme “MENDOZA FIDUCIARIA PYME” for a nominal value of US$30,000,000. Through the Programme, those entities
Gonzalez Calvillo has assisted NR Finance Mexico (NRFM) in the establishment and approval by the Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores (CNBV) of its new dual programme of issuance of up to MXP$13,000 million
Tanoira Cassagne Abogados has advised SIDERSA, a national company in the steel and renewable energy industry, in its entry to the Public Offering Regime and in the creation of the global programme for the issuance
Pérez Alati Grondona Benites & Arntsen has counselled Fullcredit as trustee and CFA Compañía Fiduciaria Americana as trustor in the creation of the new “Fullcredit” Global Trust Securities Issuance Programme for a nominal
Pérez Alati Grondona Benites & Arntsen has counselled Empresur, as trustee, Rosario Administradora Sociedad Fiduciaria, as trustee and issuer, and Adcap Securities Argentina, as arranger, in the creation of the new Global Programme for