TPC Advogados announces new partner for mining law
TPC Advogados announced the lawyer Delano Ulhôa Goulart (pictured) as a new partner of the firm. With more than 25 years of experience in large companies in the mining sector, such as MBR and VALE, besides his valuable experience in the Third Sector, when working at Fundação Renova, Delano will contribute with the team in the area of Mining Law and in the other areas in which he has expertise.
Delano has a solid background in corporate law, advisory and litigation, with extensive corporate experience in mining, civil construction, infrastructure, energy, and foundations (3rd Sector) companies. He also managed legal departments in South America, with international experience (Santiago/Chile).
Delano graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais and holds a post-graduate degree in Corporate Law and an Executive MBA in Business Management from Fundação Dom Cabral.