Bofill Mir represents Rosen in sale of shares to Grupo León Forte
Bofill Mir Abogados has represented Colchones Rosen in the sale and disposal of 100% of the shares issued by the subsidiary Industria Argentina del Descanso, Rosen’s operating company in Argentina, to Grupo León Forte, part of the Bitali Group (formerly Grupo Piero).
This transaction was signed on 30 December 2022 and closed on 9 March 2023, at the purchaser’s offices in Argentina.
The sale involved the preparation and negotiation of licensing agreements for Rosen trademarks for use in the Argentinean territory, distribution of Rosen parts and products, manufacturing of Rosen products in Argentina and use of the e-commerce platform for the sale, marketing and commercialisation of Rosen products.
In addition, the advisory work was carried out in parallel and in conjunction with Econsult, who advised Rosen on the financial aspects of the transaction.
The complexity of the transaction was particularly due to its cross-border nature, and the determination and adjustment of price and contingency management, especially in labour and social security matters.
Bofill Mir’s team included partners Octavio Bofill (pictured left) and Ana María Yuri (pictured right), and associate Paula Donoso.