Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría Chile acted as advisor to the controllers of Drillco Tools in the sale of 100% of the shares of Drillco Tools and its subsidiaries to Australasian Shareate Tools PTY
Tags :sale of shares
ACR Legal has counselled the shareholders of Nivelat in the sale of its shareholding to Talana, a company specialized in technological solutions for human resources management. Bofill Mir advised Talana. The intention of the parties
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Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría Peru has advised the shareholders of MAGUSA GLOBAL CARGO, an international logistics company, on the sale of its shares to Global Critical Logistics, parent company of Rock-it Cargo.
Guerrero Olivos has advised Farm Capital Administradora de Fondos Privados in the sale of 100% of the shares of Farm Melozal. This transaction was carried out on 27 November for CLP 2,350,000,000. Boza y Muirhead also participated in
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Aziz & Kaye has advised the shareholders of Wingate School, owner of The Wingate School, a prestigious public school located in Mexico, on the sale of the entire shareholding in the two legal entities that
Mijares Angoitia Cortés y Fuentes has counselled a client in the sale of shares of two of its companies, which owned different properties located in Mexicali. The sale of the shares was in favour
Greenberg Traurig has represented Grupo Unigel in the sale of 100% of the shares of Plastiglas de México, a leading company in the acrylic sheet market in Mexico, the United States and Canada. The transaction
Ritch Mueller has counselled QX Global Group, a global consulting firm, on the sale of the shares of its Mexican subsidiary Chazey Partners México. The transaction, which closed on 5 July, involved the jurisdictions of