Daniel Laudísio and Mariana Borges

Cescon Barrieu assists Loa Administradora on its 1st issuance

Cescon Barrieu assisted Loa Administradora e Incorporadora in its 1st issuance of unsecured, simple, nonconvertible debentures, in a single series, for the public distribution with restricted placement efforts pursuant to CVM 476, in the total amount of BRL 70 million.

The debentures are guaranteed by the company’s shareholder General Shopping e Outlets do Brasil and also are guaranteed by fiduciary assignments of real properties, fiduciary liens of receivables and a mortgage.

Cescon Barrieu relied on partners Daniel Laudísio (pictured left) and Mariana Rodrigues Machado Borges (pictured right); associate Dimitrios Constantelos and trainees Marina Souza and Luana Chulam.

Issaka, Ishikawa, Peyser Advogados advised Itaú BBA, the lead underwriter.
