Pinheiro Neto and Lefosse

Firms act in strategic aliance between Méliuz and Banco Votorantim

Pinheiro Neto and Lefosse act on strategic alliance between Méliuz and Banco Votorantim involving the execution of a commercial agreement for the offer of financial products and services of Banco Votorantim whereby Méliuz will adopt an asset light model and will earn a fee based on credit cards issued, activated account and card’s POS;

A stock purchase agreement whereby the CVC Fund of Banco Votorantim agreed to acquire (subject to certain conditions precedent) shares representing 3,85% of Méliuz capital stock held by individual shareholders for a price of R$1.50 per share (i.e. a total amount of R$50,000,000.00);

A call option agreement whereby individual shareholders and Org Investments LLC granted a call option to Banco Votorantim for the acquisition of the shares issued by Méliuz held by the grantors; and a memorandum of understandings for the negotiation of the acquisition, by Banco Votorantim, of a stake interest representing the control of Acesso Soluções de Pagamento (Bankly), a subsidiary of Méliuz.

Pinheiro Neto advised Méliuz and relied on partners (pictured top from left to right) André Bernini, Fernando Mirandez Del Nero Gomes, Fernando dos Santos Zorzo, counsel Renato Holsback, associates Max Fritz, Caio Gambini, Mariana Grande and Marcela Benhossi.

Lefosse represented Banco Votorantim and relied on partners Carlos Mello and Marcelo Tourinho (pictured bottom from left to right); Kenneth Ferreira, José Carlos Berardo, Gustavo Paes, Aloizio Lima, counsel Alessandra Cony and associates Arão Kang and Luisa Leite.
