Pinheiro Neto acted as deal counsel to a securitization transaction involving the 3rd issuance of debentures by CB Companhia Securitizadora de Créditos Financeiros. The proceeds arising from the issuance were used by CB to
Tags :Fernando Mirandez Del Neto Gomes
Pinheiro Neto and Lefosse advised on the sale of shares representing 100% of the capital stock of Acesso Soluções de Pagamento (Bankly) and up to 100% of the capital stock of Acessopar Investimentos e Participações
Pinheiro Neto and Stocche Forbes acted on the sale of 49,9% of the capital stock of BRB Loterias e Participações, with the subsequent capital increase of the company by the company’s shareholders subscribed proportionally
Pinheiro Neto and Lefosse act on strategic alliance between Méliuz and Banco Votorantim involving the execution of a commercial agreement for the offer of financial products and services of Banco Votorantim whereby Méliuz